showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Legendary Axe  Victor (Aicom)1988
[70]***You are Gogan, a muscular powerhouse with enough guts to enter the Pits of Madness. Your mission: rescue the beautiful red-haired Flare. You are strong, but you also have Sting, a sacred axe to help you battle strange creatures and Jagu's savage cult - through mountain, jungle and cave. Increase Sting's power, unlock hidden levels, win extra lives and rescue Flare. If you don't, who will?***This game is one of the best early PC-Engine games. Good graphics and a brilliant soundtrack make this game shine. Gameplay isn't less polished and although it's difficult it stays fair.***
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu  Hudson Soft (Now Production)1991
[33]***It's a beautiful afternoon, Jackie Chan and his girlfriend Josephine are out on their first date. Jackie is a bit nervous - but little does he know that an evil power that has just awoken from a forced 3,000 year sleep will turn up to abduct Josephine. Jackie's girlfriedn is none other than the descendant of the ancient warrior who had trapped the evil power in the earth millennia ago.
To acquire the power he needs to defeat the evil being and rescue Josephine, Jackie returns to his master for further training.***